I've exhausted a lot so if anyone else has any ideas I would appreciate it. This is where it can get crazy… just not too crazy.
101 Goals/Resolutions in 1001 Days
May 6, 2008 – February 1, 2011
- Go back to pre-pregnancy weight.
- Organize my files (and filing system).
- Start (and maintain – for at least a month) a food diary.
- Make a menu plan and stick to it – mostly- for a month.
- Put up my Christmas tree.
- Try one new recipe a month.
- Host a party (not the same as seven course meal).
- Join a dance class.
- Send a letter (a real one, with words and sentences).
- Volunteer… for something. Non-church related.
- Lead something at church.
- Develop a cleaning schedule.
- Stick to it for a month.
- Make my bed for a week.
- Finish organizing the office/exercise area.
- Develop a budget.
- Stick to it (strictly) for a month.
- … Three months.
- Take multi-vitamin daily. (For a month – by then it will be habit.)
- Tithe one month.
- Organize closet in Tomas's room.
- No dishes in sink by bedtime for 1 week.
- "Learn" lectio-divina.
- Learn about another faith. (Non-Christian)
- Visit other worship service.
- Hang all my pictures.
- Go to Buckingham Fountain (tourist site in Chicago) and watch the night lights show.
- Finish cross-stitch for Tomas.
- Get a gate to finish child-proofing.
- Learn how to play soccer (with Tomas).
- Do a novena.
- Take a vacation (the Dominican Republic does not count… that is visiting family).
- Plant an herb garden, even if it is in my kitchen.
- Blog four times a week at least for six months.
35. Write more posts about dirty vaginas
Oh, you just encourage me to get attacked by your crazy chickies... I'm assume that's safe to say over on this side of the pond?
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